The heat is pressing in this spring 2023 as if it were the summer months. Except for a drastic weather change in the coming weeks, neither in April water thousand nor until May 40 do not take off your tunic. The high temperatures threaten Madrid and a good part of Spain to say goodbye this month, with thermometers exceeding 30 degrees.

Weather forecasts have led the Community of Madrid to approve this week the Action Plan for Episodes of High Temperatures, which will run from May 15, San Isidro Day, until September 15.

Among the measures is the opening of the swimming pools that depend on the Madrid Executive, which this year will be available to citizens from May 13 to September 9, approximately one month more than usual.

In the absence of knowing the details of Ayuso’s plan against the heat wave in Madrid, the opening hours of the pools in 2022 were from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Sunday.

Likewise, the sale of tickets was carried out exclusively online, being able to be purchased only on the same day of use until full capacity was reached. The price list was 5 euros for adults; large families, children under 13 and over 65 had a 30% discount, while access was free for children from 0 to 2 years old, holders of the Community of Madrid Youth Card, victims of terrorism and their families and people with disabilities greater than 33% and accompanying person.

For its part, the Madrid City Council is studying the weather forecasts to make the decision to bring forward the opening of the 22 municipal swimming pools. In this sense, it is expected that this Thursday, April 27, a report on the situation and the measures that the consistory can adopt will be presented to the Governing Board.

It should be remembered that the 2022 summer pool season began on May 14, with the traditional free open house, and ended on September 11. Last year’s rates were:

Tickets can be purchased on the Madrid es Deporte municipal website and on the Madrid Móvil application, with the exception of 5% of the capacity that is reserved to be purchased at the box office of the facilities.

Some municipal facilities:

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