On April 11, the starting signal for the 2022 Income campaign was fired. Until June 30, millions of Spaniards must prepare the draft of the declaration to present it to the Tax Agency. You have to calculate the tax that must be paid by the State, taking into account capital gains and losses, capital returns, benefits, personal and family circumstances… In this tax sudoku there are many issues to attend to and many are the doubts that may arise. One of them is the operations carried out through digital payment platforms. Getting to the point: what payments with Bizum must be declared in the 2022 Income?

The truth is that these payment methods are increasingly common. As Fernando Rodríguez, director of Business Development at Bizum, reminds EL MUNDO, since in 2016 nearly twenty banking entities launched the application, it has transferred more than 92,000 million euros in “immediate payments”.

Today you can buy a plane ticket in Iberia or pay for clothes from Zara without queuing. 80% of Spaniards under 35 years of age use the application to send money. In contrast, only 25% of those over 55 regularly use Bizum.

Returning to the Income campaign, the starting point is that any digital payment is subjected in one way or another to fiscal control. In this sense, banks are obliged to report the movement of capital when transfers exceed 10,000 euros or cash deposits and withdrawals exceed 3,000 euros. Likewise, the Tax Agency can request information ex officio from the banks to know the economic movements of accounts if it initiates a tax investigation.

Broadly speaking, the taxpayer is not required to include sporadic payments with Bizum or Paypal in the Income statement. However, there are three specific cases in which they must be declared:

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