Marta, a girl from the Canary Islands who suffered from an ultra-rare disease unique in the world, has died at just four years old in Vecindario (Gran Canaria). She lived there with her parents and she was known as the ‘warrior princess’.

The disease, which did not even have a name given its ignorance, caused the little girl to have a degree 3 dependency and a disability of 87% due to a translocation of chromosomes 4, 13 and 18.

The little girl needed to be cared for 24 hours a day and her mother had to stop working to be with her since, among other things, the little girl had to be connected to a pump that supplied her with food 24 hours a day.

One of the main demands of her parents, Aridañy Santana and Cathaysa Sánchez, was to be able to live in a house adapted to the needs of the little girl, who needed an orthopedic car to move around since she could not walk and a multitude of devices, but in the end she did not it has been fulfilled, according to Canarias 7. They had been on the waiting list since the summer of 2020.

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