
Director Francis Ford Coppola’s upcoming film, “Megalopolis,” is stirring up controversy just two months before its release. Videos have surfaced showing Coppola trying to kiss young female extras during the filming of a nightclub scene for the movie. The director, known for classics like “The Godfather” trilogy, financed the entire $120 million budget himself, which meant there were no traditional checks and balances in place on set.

According to sources, Coppola’s behavior on set was unprofessional and unusual. He reportedly hugged and kissed several women, disrupting the scene and making crew members uncomfortable. Despite claims of inappropriate behavior, a spokesperson for Coppola declined to comment. However, the director’s team provided statements from production staff praising his work environment and professionalism.

The situation has raised concerns about the lack of oversight on set due to Coppola funding the film independently. Crew members were hesitant to speak up about the director’s behavior, as there was no external HR department to report to. Additionally, the absence of intimacy coordinators on the day of shooting the nightclub scene has been criticized as unorthodox. Intimacy coordinators play a crucial role in ensuring safe and respectful environments during scenes involving nudity or intimate acts.

While Lionsgate has acquired domestic distribution rights for “Megalopolis,” the controversy surrounding Coppola’s behavior on set has cast a shadow over the film’s upcoming release. With an ensemble cast including stars like Adam Driver, the movie was expected to be competitive in various categories. Despite the accolades and recognition Coppola has received throughout his career, the recent controversy has sparked conversations about accountability and professionalism in the film industry.

As the release date approaches, it remains to be seen how the allegations against Coppola will impact the reception of “Megalopolis.” The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful work environment in all aspects of filmmaking. It also highlights the need for clearer guidelines and oversight to prevent instances of misconduct on film sets.