
On September 17, 2024, the Competition Commission of India introduced the Competition Commission of India (General) Regulations, 2024, which set out the procedures for submitting documents. These regulations became effective on the same day.

Here are some key points to note from the regulations:

– The official language of the commission is English, but parties can submit documents in Hindi if they prefer. However, a true English translation must accompany any document in Hindi.
– The commission will accept a translation as true if it is certified by the party’s counsel, an official court translator, or a translator recognized by the government and courts.
– Replies to any communication from the Commission must be signed by specific individuals depending on the type of entity, such as the proprietor for a sole proprietorship, the managing director for a company, or the president for an association or society.
– When filing information or references, they must be presented to the Secretary in person or sent via registered post, courier service, or facsimile transmission. Any additional documents must be in the form of a “Paper Book” and sent within 14 days, supported by an affidavit.
– All documents filed with the Commission must be typed in Arial 12 fonts on A4 size white bond paper with specific margins and spacing.
– The Commission has the authority to combine multiple persons or enterprises if an application is submitted in writing.
– Every order issued by the Commission will be signed and dated by the Members, including any dissenting notes from a dissenting Member.

These regulations aim to streamline the filing process and ensure that all necessary information is submitted accurately and in the required format. It is essential for parties involved in any proceedings with the Competition Commission of India to familiarize themselves with these regulations to comply with the set procedures effectively.