
Hannah Shaw, also known as Kitten Lady, and Andrew Marttila, a professional animal photographer, have collaborated on a new book called “Cats of the World.” The book takes readers on a journey across 25 countries to explore cat culture globally, showcasing stunning photos and interviews with cat lovers from each location. From the charming pubs of England to the sandy beaches of Kuwait, and the bustling streets of South Africa, the book celebrates cats in all their forms and sheds light on what they mean to the people who adore them.

Hannah Shaw is a professional kitten rescuer, humane educator, and New York Times bestselling author who has dedicated her life to protecting animals. She is the founder of Orphan Kitten Club, a nonprofit organization that provides rescue and critical care services to orphaned neonatal kittens. Andrew Marttila, on the other hand, is a professional animal photographer who specializes in capturing the unique personalities of cats. Together, they run Orphan Kitten Club in San Diego, saving kittens in need and raising awareness about animal welfare.

The book launch event for “Cats of the World” will take place at the San Diego Central Library, where Shaw and Marttila will be in conversation with local animal rescuer Susan Hicks. The event will feature an audience Q&A session and a book signing. Tickets for the event include a copy of the book and a companion seat if requested. This is a ticketed event, so make sure to secure your spot in advance.

Through their work and advocacy, Shaw and Marttila aim to educate people on cat care, rescue and rehabilitate kittens, and share the beauty of cats from around the world. “Cats of the World” is not just a book about cats—it’s a celebration of the bond between humans and felines, highlighting the unique and special relationships that exist between these beloved pets and their owners.

If you’re a cat lover or simply interested in learning more about different cat cultures worldwide, “Cats of the World” is a must-read. Shaw and Marttila’s passion for cats shines through in their work, and their dedication to animal welfare is truly inspiring. Join them at the book launch event to celebrate these fascinating creatures and the joy they bring to our lives.