Is it spelled image or image? Anyone who knows the basic rules of spelling will have their eyes bleed when they see this word misspelled, but the truth is that it is a frequent query in search engines. At the other extreme, whoever doubts about which is the correct form, with or without a tilde, only has to pay attention to the following explanation.

Image does not have a tilde because it is a plain word ending in -n. However, the confusion generated by the term may have to do with its plural, images, which is accentuated on the “a” as it is an esdrújula word (i-má-ge-nes).

The same happens with exam (exams), joven (youth), origin (origins) or volume (volumes). All these words are flat in the singular, but when they are converted to the plural they become esdrújulas.

Next, a brief review of the basic rules of spelling to resolve doubts and avoid major mistakes when placing accents in words.

The words have a tonic syllable, which is the one that is pronounced with the greatest intensity. According to the place that the tonic syllable occupies, the words are classified as acute, flat and esdrújulas. It must be taken into account that the tonic syllable is not always accompanied by a graphic accent:

And, to finish off the task, a look at the definitions of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) of the feminine term image (from the Latin imago):

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