In the same way that calm is maintained on the Esplanade of the Mosques or Temple Mount in Jerusalem after the violent clashes last week that opened several fronts in the south (Gaza Strip) and north (Lebanon) of Israel, the Clashes continue in the West Bank.

Hours after the Palestinian Health Ministry announced the death of 15-year-old Palestinian Mohamed Balhan by Israeli fire in clashes during a raid near the West Bank city of Jericho, Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital announced the death of Israeli Lucy Lea Dee (48) after being seriously injured in the attack last Friday that also took the lives of her two daughters Maia (20) and Rina (15). Her family has announced the donation of organs from her mother who was an English teacher in the Efrat settlement.

“How will I explain to Lucy when she comes out of a coma what has happened to our two precious gifts Maia and Rina?” Her husband Leo asked crying this Sunday at the funeral of their two daughters in the hope of not having to bury their daughters. his wife who at that time was struggling between life and death. “How much we hoped, how much we prayed, but tragically Leah, mother of Rina and Maia, of blessed memory and fatally injured in the terrorist attack in the Jordan Valley has died of her injuries,” Israel’s President Isaac Herzog said. , adding to the lament shared by the family and the entire political class.

The Israeli security organizations carry out a specific device to find the two Palestinians who peppered the three British-Israelis on a road in the West Bank with more than 20 shots. “If there is a terrorist who thinks that during this holiday season he will be able to escape from the army, he is wrong. Anyone who attacks us should know that we will settle accounts with him and bring him to justice,” said Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

The search for the perpetrators of the attack is focused on the Nablus area, where a raid this morning ended with a dozen Palestinians and two wounded Israeli soldiers. Hours later, the army raided the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp near Jericho, surrounding a house to “detain a suspected terrorist.” “During the activity, violent riots were instigated at various locations. When the soldiers left the area, suspects opened fire on them, throwing explosive devices and Molotov cocktails. The soldiers responded with fire,” the army said. Shortly after, the Palestinian Ministry of Health indicated that the Palestinian teenager Balhan died “after suffering gunshot wounds to the head, chest and abdomen by the occupation (military forces).” At least two more Palestinians were shot in their lower extremities and taken to hospital.

Given the increase in Palestinian attacks, Israeli soldiers have deployed this Monday in emblematic areas of Tel Aviv such as the Paseo Marítimo where this Friday an Italian tourist died in an intentional hit-and-run. These are young soldiers who stopped their training to patrol these days with the police.

Under growing tension in the West Bank, around 15,000 Israelis, mostly settlers, took part in a march on Monday to the illegal enclave of Aviatar to demand its regularization after it was evacuated by the army in 2021. It is a site that young people Jews tried to raise, being later dismantled after the assassination of Eviatar Borovsky in an attack in that area in May 2013. The previous government of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid agreed to regulate their situation while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu included it in the coalition agreement signed with the ultranationalist party led by Itamar Ben Gvir, today the minister in charge of the Police.

In another unusual event but typical of these times in Israel, several ministers participated in the protest march against their own government for not allowing the legalization of Aviatar. “We return to our home, the Land of Israel. We did not surrender to terrorism, neither in Aviatar nor in Tel Aviv,” proclaimed Ben Gvir, who, however, was rebuked by a protester who reminded him of the latest attacks and funerals: “Resign! We are afraid to drive on the roads.”

The demonstration was escorted by numerous military personnel in that area of ​​the West Bank, territory occupied by Israel since the 1967 war. “The march in support of the settlements in the West Bank is a dangerous escalation and an obscene provocation,” accuses the Palestinian Foreign Minister which especially condemned the participation of some ministers and deputies of the ultra-conservative coalition.

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