Rentik, a pioneering mobile leasing service, consolidates its arrival in the Spanish market with a sustained month-on-month growth of 40% of its customer base. These very positive data demonstrate the interest of Spanish consumers in alternative services to the purchase of mobile phones and the reinvention of a sector that, for the first time in its history, has seen the sale of mobile phones decrease by 11% in 2022, according to technology consultancy IDC.

In this sense, and according to a recent study by IO Investigación, 38% of Spaniards would be willing to switch to the leasing model for its advantages, something that has become clear with the rapid growth of Rentik in just four months.

“Mobile telephony is experiencing a second youth with new ways to enjoy technology, such as renting that, sooner or later, will end up imposing itself on our consumption habits, as has already happened with other sectors such as entertainment or music,” he says. Pablo Blanco, CEO of Rentik. “These first months have been very exciting, because we are not only knowing how to differentiate ourselves, but also because we are witnessing the seed of how we will consume technology in a few years.”

Starting this month, both current customers and new customers will be able, once their 24-month leasing contract has ended, to keep their mobile phone forever, if that is what they prefer.

The company already allows, in addition, early renewal for new launches or extending the contract beyond the initial 24 months, if they want to keep the terminal for longer.

Mobile leasing also comes as a solution against the increasingly higher prices in mobile telephony. With Rentik, the user avoids making large outlays, since they pay a monthly fee, and they can always have the mobile phone they want new without having to spend months saving. Once the contract is finished, Rentik erases all data on the phone so that no customer data is compromised. Subsequently, it prepares them for a second life in the market for refurbished mobiles, thus promoting the circular economy in the sector promoted by the current legislation of the European Union.

To contract the service, the user can get their new mobile through the Rentik website,, or through any of the company’s more than 1,000 points of sale, such as PhoneHouse, Parlem, Embou, HolaMobi or PCBox, among other distributors.

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