Elisabeth Borne assures “share[r] exactly the same objectives” as Emmanuel Macron. Namely, “appease the country and provide concrete and rapid responses to the French”, she listed Friday, April 7, after statements, published in the press, which cast doubt on the relations between the two heads of the executive.

“We discuss regularly with the President of the Republic and I think we share the same analysis,” said the head of government, during a press briefing in Rodez (Aveyron) where she traveled with the minister Health François Braun.

“We are perfectly aligned on this subject”, added Ms. Borne, who had marked her difference with Emmanuel Macron in statements to three media (Le Monde, Le Point, RTL) in which she called not to “rush things with the unions and to respect “a recovery period” in the country after the crisis caused by the pension reform.

His very conciliatory tone contrasts with the remarks made by President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday, on the sidelines of a trip to China, who declared “if people wanted to retire at 60, it was not me who needed it. elect as President of the Republic”.

Asked about a possible break with the Head of State, the head of government assured that “things were very clear: the President of the Republic is setting the course [and] I am working on a government program and a legislative agenda” .

“I am working on the roadmap he gave me, that is to say, building a government program to respond to the very concrete concerns of the French people and responding to them quickly, as well as on a legislative agenda by seeking project majorities,” Ms. Borne explained.