At least two prison administration officers were killed in Eure on Tuesday May 14 in an attack on their van, and the inmate they were transporting escaped. Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti mentions “two deceased agents” and three “seriously injured” and says he is going to the crisis unit of the Ministry of Justice. A police source told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that three officers had been killed, “victims of shotgun fire” during the “ramming” attack on their van.

The detainee, who was transported between Rouen and Evreux, fled, according to a police source at AFP. The attack occurred at the Incarville tollbooth (Eure) shortly after 11 a.m. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced, on X, that the “Epervier” plan has been launched. “All means are being used to find these criminals. On my instruction, several hundred police officers and gendarmes are mobilized,” he continued. The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, wrote that the attack “is a shock for all of us (…). Everything is being done to find the perpetrators of this crime so that justice can be done in the name of the French people. We will be intractable”, on X.

According to another police source contacted by AFP, the attack was carried out by a commando of several criminals – the number of whom is unknown – who used two vehicles. One of these vehicles was found shortly after the events, “charred”, in a location which was not specified by this source. The first police source told AFP that the criminals had fled and that one of them had been injured.

More information to follow.