Rush hour had just started on the New York subway. It was around 4:30 p.m. local time (10:30 p.m. Paris time) when gunfire broke out on Monday, February 12, at a station in the Bronx borough, killing one person and injuring five others, according to media reports Americans.

Police were not immediately able to provide details of what happened, but said a search was on for the shooter, who fled the scene. Among the injured, four are in serious condition, she said.

At this Mount Eden Avenue station, the metro is aerial and television images filmed by drone showed the train immobilized and police officers and investigators in plain clothes busy on the platform. The shooting came at a time when New York stations are busy with many children leaving school and many workers returning home.

Crime on the decline

“The train was coming and there were two kids screaming,” witness Efrain Feliciano told the Daily News. There were at least six shots fired.” “I saw sparks when the bullets hit the wall,” he added.

The victims were transported to hospitals around this northern district of the megacity, the most disadvantaged in the city of 8.5 million people.

Crime and in particular homicides by firearms have been declining in New York since 2022-2023, after the Covid pandemic, and the carrying of weapons in public is strictly regulated there, compared to other cities and States of the country.