A complaint for sexual assault was filed in Marseille against the new vice-president of the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children (Ciivise), Caroline Rey-Salmon, Agence France-Presse has learned (AFP ), Wednesday February 7, to the complainant. La Civiise then announced that Ms. Rey-Salmon “withdrew completely from the work of the commission throughout the investigation”, confirming information from Le Parisien. The commission mentions a withdrawal “indispensable for the peace of mind of the work” and for maintaining “the confidence” of the victims.

The pediatrician and forensic doctor is the subject of a complaint for “sexual assault by a person abusing the authority given to them by their position”, according to the complaint filed Tuesday and consulted by AFP. According to the account of the 25-year-old woman at the origin of the complaint, confirming information from Franceinfo and BFM-TV, the attack took place during a gynecological examination carried out on June 27, 2020 at the Hôtel- Dieu de Paris as part of a judicial investigation. The young woman had filed a complaint for rape suffered as a child between 2004 and 2009.

“She examined me, she told me that there was absolutely no trace and that I was wrong because a child victim of vaginal rape necessarily had a torn hymen, which was not my problem. case,” she told AFP. “She told me it must have been rubbing, she put her fingers on me, moved back and forth, told me to close my eyes and imagine it was the penis of the attacker in order to remember,” she added. When contacted by AFP, Caroline Rey-Salmon did not respond. The Ciivise did not wish to comment immediately.

The president of the Ciivise provides his “support”

Invited Tuesday on the show “Quotidien”, on TMC, its president, Sébastien Boueilh, gave his “support” to Caroline Rey-Salmon. “If the victim has filed a complaint, so much the better, I think Caroline will do so too and the courts will decide,” he added.

The announcement of this complaint comes just two days after the resumption of work at Ciivise, whose renewal of the management team caused controversy in the fall. Launched in March 2021, this commission, which collected nearly 30,000 testimonies and issued a report with 82 recommendations, was until then chaired by children’s judge Edouard Durand and association manager Nathalie Mathieu and was officially due to end in December 2023 .

Faced with the mobilization of numerous elected officials, personalities and associations, who demanded its extension and the retention of Judge Durand, the executive finally maintained the Commission, but by changing its direction.

“Seeing the appointment of Caroline Rey-Salmon as head of Ciivise was too much for me,” declares the complainant. “She must be put in the background (…), but above all she must recognize that she resorted to this type of practice aimed at making the victims relive what they experienced, and she must recognize that it is violent and inhumane. »