Product design is a fiercely competitive area. Creating something truly unique and successful is both an art and a science. As such, it’s no wonder why companies often ask themselves: what makes a product desirable? That’s where UX desirability research comes in.

In this article, you’ll get to learn more about the elusive question of desirability, with a list of the most important factors that play a role in making a product desirable.

How are product desirability and UX design linked together?

To truly understand what makes a product desirable, UX agencies make use of a process called “desirability research” or “desirability studies”. UX (User Experience) itself is a holistic approach that encompasses any interaction your users may have with your product, digital or otherwise. It includes any visual or functional aspect of your product and aims to improve overall user satisfaction and avoid frustrations when it comes to using your product. Satisfied users also mean more conversions for you.

The point of UX desirability research is to allow you to make data-driven decisions about what makes your product desirable in the eyes of your users. You can learn more about the process of UX desirability studies by clicking the link.

What makes a product desirable? 6 factors that UX research can focus on

The aesthetic appeal of your product: what is your visual symphony?

It should come as no surprise that what makes a product desirable is also about making it look desirable. Your product’s visual appeal serves as its first impression – colors, typography, and overall product design constitute the visual symphony that captures your users’ attention and makes them want to try out your product.

The purpose of UX desirability research in this regard is to examine the impact of visual aesthetics on user perception and find out what will make your product alluring to your users.

What makes a product desirable? User-centric design

The very basis of what makes a product desirable is understanding what your users need and prioritizing your UX design accordingly. If you can craft experiences that are tailored to your users, you can expect much more positive feedback on their end.

UX desirability research can employ techniques such as user interviews to incorporate user feedback as part of the product design process. This is how UX agencies keep the focus on a user-centric approach – a collaboration that aligns your design decisions with the expectations of your users.

The functionality and performance of your product – Beyond the surface

Desirability is about more than just looking good. A good user experience also covers every functional aspect of your product – users are drawn to products that are not only visually appealing but are easy and enjoyable to use.

This is why UX desirability research also places an important focus on discovering which product features align with the requirements of your users.

The heart of UX desirability research: Emotional engagement

The true and distinctive advantage of conducting UX desirability research comes from being able to discover how to enhance the emotional engagement of your users. If you can create lasting connections with your target audience, your products will be even more irresistible in their eyes.

Whether it’s about solving a problem, evoking joy, or fulfilling a specific need, emotionally engaging products are always more desirable.

The connection between brand perception and what makes a product desirable

What makes a product desirable is also inherently linked to how your brand is perceived by your users. UX research also focuses on examining how your brand values can contribute to overall product desirability.

Innovative features that make a product desirable

Of course, this is easier said than done, but products that can show off new features that surpass users’ expectations will always be more desirable in the eyes of your target audience. UX research can also explore the impact of innovative features on users’ perceptions.