Amancio Ortega, founder of Inditex and owner of Pontegadea, has reached a new record by becoming the first Spaniard to exceed 100,000 million dollars in assets (90,454 million euros), according to the list released this Friday by Forbes.

This financial situation places Ortega as the person with the greatest wealth in Spain and in twelfth place in the ranking of the richest people in the world.

The fortune of the Galician businessman amounts, more specifically, to 100.7 billion dollars (almost 91 billion euros), which is almost 10 billion euros more than the list for the month of November.

This notable rebound in the accounts of Amancio Ortega, 87, is mainly due, Forbes recalls, to the revaluation in the markets, up to around 55% this year, of the Inditex firm, of which he is the majority shareholder with the 59.4% of titles.

The investments of his investment arm, Pontegadea, in the international and national real estate sector have also influenced the increase in the Galician businessman’s assets.

In Spain, the list of the richest prepared by Forbes places after Amancio Ortega one of his daughters, Sandra Ortega (8.9 billion dollars), Rafael del Pino (Ferrovial, 5.6 billion) and Juan Roig (Mercadona, 3.8 billion).