A man died this Monday in A Coruña due to gunshots during a police action carried out by the National Police, according to sources close to the case consulted by Europa Press.

According to the information provided, there was an action by agents of the National Police Corps due to previous altercations involving the 35-year-old man.

In the confrontation with the agents of the device deployed to the scene, consulted sources have specified, he allegedly tried to attack a police officer with an iron bar.

The events occurred in the A Grela industrial estate before 10:30 a.m. and, as a result of the shots fired by the National Police, the man died.

Regarding what happened, close sources have indicated that it was a man of Cuban origin, “very aggressive”, and that he was breaking car windows in the A Grela area.

Due to these events, the agents moved and tried to stop him with the Taser electric gun, which did not work, as they have stated, because the man was wearing too many clothes.

During the confrontation, one of the officers, who was already on the ground, fired the shot that would cause the death of the man, “a criminal,” the Unified Police Union said on social networks about the deceased’s criminal record. The union also offers its colleague legal and psychological support.