A 43-year-old man has been arrested by the Vigo Local Police accused of a crime of violence in the family after hitting his 13-year-old son with a belt on the back for not wanting to stop using his mobile phone.

The events, as reported by the Local Police, occurred around nine o’clock yesterday evening, Monday, in a house located on Teixugueiras Street.

It was the minor who called the agents to report his father. The father, when opening the door to the police, acknowledged that minutes before he had argued with his son over the use of his cell phone, a device that both he and his wife allow him to use in a limited manner.

According to his statement, the minor had been using it for more than three hours and began to argue with his mother because he did not want to let go of the phone.

According to the father’s story, his son became aggressive so he stood between them and hit him with the belt.

Another of the agents asked the woman about what happened and she gave the same version as her husband, adding that her son has a personality disorder, which is why he has recently been taking treatment to control outbreaks of aggression.

In addition, she assured that it was the first time that her husband hit her son.

The minor, for his part, was crying in his bed, in a state of anxiety and complaining of pain in his back, and explained to the Police that in addition to hitting him with the belt, his father had thrown a bottle at his head.

After verifying that the child had scratches and redness on his back and that he assured that it was not the first time that he had been attacked, the minor was placed in the custody of his mother and the agents took the father into custody.