The intervention of the pro-independence parties was one of the most anticipated moments in Pedro Sánchez’s inauguration. The ERC spokesperson, Gabriel Rufián, boasted this Wednesday of the “strength” that his party has to “force” the PSOE not only to agree on the amnesty, but also to hold a new referendum in Catalonia in the future.

“We have the capacity to force him to end the repression today and perhaps to vote in a referendum tomorrow,” Rufián launched during his turn to speak at Pedro Sánchez’s investiture session.

“Don’t risk it,” recommended the leader of the Republicans in Congress after justifying how the acting President of the Government has no “alternative” to the independence groups if he wants to revalidate a new mandate in La Moncloa.

ERC’s speech came in parallel with the discomfort generated in Junts by Sánchez’s treatment of the amnesty during his presentation. In this regard, Rufián warned the members of Junts: “When the PSOE tries to deceive you, it will. We will not blame you.”

In response, Sánchez vindicated his “commitment to dialogue” since he entered the Government in 2018. “I have dedicated myself to reversing that inheritance,” he said in reference to the legacy of rupture and separation left by the previous Executive of Mariano Rajoy.

“Don’t tempt luck with us,” said Miriam Nogueras, from Junts, after the minutes of tension in which the meaning of her party’s vote at the investiture was left up in the air.

Carles Puigdemont’s party, in fact, considers that Sánchez’s speech “has not been brave” and has not used the terms established in the pact between both parties: “He has not dared to address the Catalan issue directly as as stated in the agreement.”