After the first day, a decisive moment arrives on the second day of Pedro Sánchez’s investiture, which will be held this Thursday, November 16, starting at 9:00 a.m. The first vote will take place, which could end with the leader of the PSOE as President of the Government.

Pedro Sánchez is expected to be sworn in as president in the first vote as he has the support of Sumar, PNV, Bildu, ERC, Junts, BNG and the Canarian Coalition. The sum of the deputies of these formations together with those of the PSOE is 179 seats.

If the necessary absolute majority is not obtained in the first round (176 votes), a second vote will be held on Friday the 18th, where Pedro Sánchez would be better off with more yeses than noes.

After the representatives of the PP, Vox and Sumar, ERC and Junts, in addition to Pedro Sánchez himself, had spoken on the first day, on the second day of the investiture it was the turn of those from the parliamentary groups that did not intervene. These are: Bildu, PNV, BNG, Canarian Coalition and UPN.

Each game will have its half hour in the first intervention and the required 10 minutes if Sánchez responds.

After all turns have ended, voting will take place.

Once the debate is over, the first vote will be held, where the candidate needs an absolute majority, that is, 176 votes in favor, to be sworn in as president.

Voting is public by call; Each of the deputies of the Lower House is called in alphabetical order, having to say “yes”, “no” or “abstention”.

If the candidate does not obtain the support of an absolute majority, the second vote is held 48 hours after the previous one, a simple majority (more yeses than noes) is then sufficient.

The investiture debate can be followed online on the official channel of the Congress of Deputies on YouTube, as well as on the 24-hour RTVE channel. You can also follow the session live on the EL MUNDO website.