November 15 and 16 are the most likely dates for the investiture debate of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government, according to socialist sources who have assured EFE.

After the PSOE and Junts closed their agreement this Thursday by which the seven deputies of former president Carles Puigdemont’s party will give their support to Sánchez (an essential condition for the investiture to succeed), the way has been cleared for the corresponding debate in Congress.

Pending the official communication of the date that the president of the chamber, Francina Armengol, must make after speaking with the acting head of the Executive and socialist candidate, Pedro Sánchez, sources from the PSOE point to Wednesday and Thursday of next week , November 15 and 16.

But first the socialists must get the support of the PNV deputies, since it is the only party that Sánchez needs his yes that has not publicly communicated its vote.

After presenting the agreement that has been signed with Junts, the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, commented at a press conference that if the pact with the PNV has not already been closed, “it will be close to being closed.”

Prior to the investiture, the text of the bill on the amnesty that the PSOE has agreed with Junts after the agreement it has already reached with ERC will be sent to the parliamentary groups that will support the investiture.

Once they give their approval, the proposal will be presented in the Congressional registry so that it can later be admitted for processing by the Chamber’s Board.

It will be after these steps that the investiture debate will be held for Sánchez, who plans to be elected in the first vote, that is, by absolute majority, given the support he has gained and awaiting the final yes of the PNV.

Sources from this party have told EFE that they are “focused on the negotiation”, they have defended its discretion and have explained that they do not plan to communicate anything until there is “relevant news.”

The Magna Carta establishes a period of two months to elect a candidate for the presidency of the Government from the first investiture vote. Therefore, if the investiture has not gone ahead on November 27, new elections are called immediately.

These new elections would be held on Sunday, January 14, 2024. To make matters worse, the electoral campaign would begin on January 5, Epiphany Eve.