The Paralympic weightlifting athlete from Extremadura, Loida Zabala, announced this Saturday that she suffers from cancer and that, whatever the prognosis and treatment, she will “fight with everything.”

In a message on his social networks, Zabala has confessed that they have detected nine masses in his brain and that they have to perform more tests “because it could be a metastasis coming from the lung.”

Added to this is a thrombus that he suffers from in his leg “with which we have to be careful due to the state of my lungs.”

“Emotionally, all this is a bucket of cold water, but you know me, I am strong and whatever the prognosis and treatment, I am going to fight with everything,” he expressed.

There have immediately been signs of support for his message, such as that of the president of the Extremadura Regional Government, María Guardiola: “You are strong and brave. And although at this moment these words may not be of much use, I send you all my support” , he told him.

Also from the world of sports, like the Extremaduran athlete Álvaro Martín, who has sent him “all the strength in the world.”