The Ombudsman, Ángel Gabilondo, has delivered to the Cortes Generales – on the 2nd the same will be done with the Government – the report on sexual abuse committed by members of the Catholic Church against minors. In his presentation to the press, Gabilondo has called for reparation for the victims, many of whom, he has assured, have seen “their lives devastated.”

The survey that accompanies the document, carried out by Gad3 among 8,000 people, shows a devastating result: 0.6% of the population over 18 years of age claims to have been a victim of sexual abuse by a priest or religious. This represents approximately a “very significant” figure that could exceed 200,000 people.

Gabilondo has explained that not all religious establishments and organizations have cooperated to the same extent but he has insisted that he does consider that they have realized that “the biggest scandal would be not to collaborate.” The majority have chosen to develop prevention procedures but have shown more reluctance when it comes to providing information about the cases that have occurred. He is confident that there has been a change of attitude in the Church and insists that “the victims cannot wait any longer.” The abuse investigation unit has personally interviewed 457 victims who have provided testimony.

In this sense, the Ombudsman’s report proposes the creation of a state fund to cover the compensation that corresponds to the victims. In this fund, the Church should make a significant contribution. “It is inevitable that the Church collaborates,” said Gabilondo, who has left the approval and articulation of the fund in the hands of Parliament. The Ombudsman also proposes holding a large public event to recognize the victims and asks the Church to allow access to the data included in its archives as well as the possibility of proceeding with a reform of canon law.

Ángel Gabilondo has insisted that the drama of abuse “has been possible because there was silence on the part of those who could have prevented it and did not do so.” “This report,” he added, “responds to what the victims want, they are the first, central and ultimate meaning of it. They want to be heard and cared for.”

“We have known,” he explained, “the feeling of loneliness of many people who have suffered secondary victimization due to the response of the Church, society and Justice itself.”

The Ombudsman has assured that the action unit that has investigated this matter did not intend to make an estimate of the number of victims and has pointed out that many have opted for voluntary silence or have already disappeared. The report is not intended to dictate what should be done, but offers conclusions and recommendations for decision-making and action to address the “devastating impact that abuse has had on the lives of specific people.”

Gabilondo has also insisted on the need to establish a specific administrative procedure that ensures the victims’ right to Justice, so that an independent authority declares that an event has taken place, that it is unjust and that it has caused damage that I wouldn’t have to endure.

The survey carried out by Gad3 and attached to the report indicates that 72% of Spaniards consider that child sexual abuse is a very serious social problem and 24% consider it quite serious and the rate of people in the total population who say they have suffered at the hands of a priest is 0.6% and 1.3% in the religious sphere (a concept that includes staff or teachers of Catholic centers, catechists…), which would raise the figure to more than 440,000 people.