There are just eleven days left until the end of October and, with it, for the Princess of Asturias to reach the age of majority and swear in the Constitution. This month will end with that important institutional step, which is celebrated after her flag oath at the General Military Academy. Leonor is getting older and with it her institutional role increases, and she wanted to highlight this idea in the words spoken on the occasion of the celebration of the Princess of Asturias Awards 2024.

“I understand very well and I am aware of what my duty is and what my responsibilities entail,” he said in the first sentences of his speech. And she has done it with a firm, serene tone and looking at the camera. The Princess recalled that on the 31st she turns 18: “And I will have the honor of swearing in the Constitution, with what that means for me personally and institutionally,” she insisted.

For five minutes, the heiress assured that she was speaking in front of people with whom she aspires to feel identified: “I feel that they transmit that hope that guides and inspires us young people,” she assured.

Among the new responsibilities she faces, she has highlighted the need to “understand and value” what those awarded by the Princess of Asturias Foundation, of which Leonor is honorary president, “contribute to a society where many generations live together with the idea of ​​ensuring that those who need it most have the opportunity to improve their lives”, For the Heiress this objective can only be achieved “with common objectives of individual and collective effort.”

The eldest daughter of Felipe VI has followed the tradition of praising each of the winners in their categories. The heiress works and strives throughout the year to know the highlights of each of them. For this reason, about Nuccio she Ordine she has praised “how she managed to humanize humanity”, and has helped her understand “why education is the foundation of any society that aims to be better.”

Regarding Meryl Streep, with whom he spoke on several occasions throughout the day, he highlighted her “impeccable career with freedom, courage and sensitivity to the challenges of our time.”

The Princess has pointed to the late Hèléne Carrere and the Mary’s Meal initiative as “examples of those who understand that it is necessary to get involved to help improve things.”

She has spoken about Murakami about her “own universe” built with words, and has been inspired by the athlete Kipchoge for his ability to “overcome his limits and always continue working to achieve his purpose.” Of the three Science Prize biologists, he is “astonished” by the studies on the microbiota, and of the Medicines for Neglected Diseases initiative he has reflected on the fact that there are “ailments that affect a quarter of the world’s population and that represent 1 % Of the investigation”.

The heiress’s speech lasted five minutes and, at the end, she received unanimous applause from the 1,300 seats of the Campoamor theater. Her parents and her sister, Infanta Doña Sofía, have been especially smiling.

Leonor, who will have a public event again tomorrow during the visit to the exemplary town, has taken another step in maturity, offering one of the speeches in which she has been seen as most confident and mature.