The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has accused Pedro Sánchez of losing control of the coalition Executive by keeping Fernando Grande-Marlaska as minister despite the setback of the Supreme Court by annulling the dismissal of Colonel Diego Pérez de los Cobos. Also due to internal criticism by Podemos against the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), which the purples accuse of “manipulating” in favor of the PSOE.

“It is a misgovernment”, the opposition leader defined this Friday, from Elche, where he has described as “very serious” that after a “forceful sentence” such as that of the Supreme Court against Marlaska, there has not been a “resignation or immediate dismissal” of the Minister of the Interior. The entire PP has come out in a storm this Friday against the minister, and, in fact, the party has registered in Congress a non-legal proposal for the groups to urge the dismissal of Marlaska.

However, the “straw that breaks the camel’s back” in the eyes of the popular leader is the internal complaint by the purple sector of the Executive, which five years later has charged this Friday against a public body, the CIS, for “the alleged manipulation of data” in the last barometer. A “very serious” situation to the detriment of Podemos, which requires the socialist side of the Government to give explanations in this regard.

With this position, Unidas Podemos joins the criticism expressed throughout the legislature by the opposition parties, which pointed to the president of the center, José Félix Tezanos, as the person in charge of the “kitchen” of the polls in recent times, always favorable to the PSOE and contrary to the dynamics of the average of private surveys.

“Now the ministers of Podemos accredit that it is a propaganda organ of the PSOE,” said Feijóo to express the internal lack of control that Sánchez suffers in his Council of Ministers. “A minister says” that the public polling body “is prevaricating and falsifying the polls”, she recounted with surprise not because of the content of the complaint, which is what the PP has been warning along with Vox and Ciudadanos, but because of who and where it comes from

“We cannot get used to” this drift, the leader of the popular has continued, who sees behind this reaction from Podemos the “agreement” between the Prime Minister and Yolanda Díaz to “bury” the purple ones ahead of the next elections and that the formation to the left of the PSOE is Sumar, the new brand of the second vice president. Díaz, precisely, will present her official candidacy this Sunday at an event in Madrid in which the majority of the formations that make up the United We Can space will be present, as well as purple candidates, but no high representative of Podemos.

Feijóo visited Elche this Friday together with the regional candidate of the PP, Carlos Mazón. There, both have visited the Pikolinos production center and Feijóo has promised to improve the situation of public underfinancing that the Valencian territory suffers. “I know the Valencian Community, and I promise that Alicante is not the province with the least investment”, he promised after recalling that this is the fifth province in population and GDP but, nevertheless, it is at the bottom in terms of investment in the last two General State Budgets.

“If I obtain the confidence of the Spaniards and if I can form a government, I assure you that I will not come to make a triumphant balance while I do not solve the discrimination of the Valencian Community in regional financing,” said the leader of the PP. “It is time to commit in a Spain where unfortunately a lot is said and sometimes little is done.”

In the same way, he has asserted that he will propose from the Government “a pact for water with solid technical reports and based on dialogue and consensus between the autonomous communities.”

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