The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has assessed “reasonable legal doubts about the regulations” governing freely appointed appointments in the Supreme Court ruling that reinstates Colonel Diego Pérez de los Cobos, who he dismissed due to loss of trust.

“The sentence makes this question about the loss of trust very clear,” said Marlaska after presiding over the oath of allegiance of a new promotion of the Civil Guard, made up of 1,508 guards, at the Baeza Academy (Jaén).

Grande-Marlaska, who has reiterated that he has no intention of resigning for this reason “in any way”, has also recalled that prior to the Supreme Court ruling, the Contentious Chamber of the National Court ruled unanimously that the dismissal of Pérez de los Cobos was motivated.

Asked about a possible complaint for his allusion to the management of the reserved funds carried out by the colonel, the minister has insisted that he has never attributed responsibility “to anyone” and that he has not “attributed anything”, but that he was referring with those words because “like everything in life, there is room for improvement in management”.

The minister insisted that he was referring to the fact that “excellence in the management of reserved funds is necessary and unavoidable” and that “when we came to the Government there was room for improvement in the management of those public funds that are used against organized crime and drug trafficking.

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