Stormy Daniels will go down in history as the woman behind the scandal that led to the impeachment of former President Donald Trump, in a case of payment of black money in exchange for the silence of the pornographic actress who had been kicking for years and who has just written her chapter more significant. Along the way, an endless interplay of accusations and insults, threats, forged signatures and two lawyers sent to prison, Trump’s right-hand man, Michael Cohen, and Daniels’ legal representative, Michael Avenatti, who stole $300,000 from his client. dollars from an advance payment for his memoirs.

The soap opera dates back to the summer of 2016. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, met Trump at a golf tournament in July 2006. The now 44-year-old interpreter came from a “very bad neighborhood” in Baton Rouge , Louisiana, explained that they had relations at the former president’s hotel in Lake Tahoe, a vacation area that is often frequented by the great fortunes of Silicon Valley. But Trump did not seem too concerned that the porn actress aired their meeting.

“It was rather arrogant,” Daniels said, confident that his wife, Melania Trump, who was not at the tournament, would find out. However, a few months later, on the brink of the presidential elections, there was a payment of $130,000 to guarantee his silence, a crime that constitutes a violation of electoral laws and which ended with Cohen’s conviction.

The one who was Trump’s right-hand man and head of one of his companies, lied at first to exonerate his boss, but ended up pointing directly at the man he idolized. Cohen was found guilty of violating electoral financing regulations, in addition to tax and bank fraud, collaborating with justice from prison and a fundamental figure in understanding the case. It was he who took over the payment to the actress, recording it as “legal expenses”, and who advanced the money.

Daniels, who flirted for a few months with the possibility of getting into politics – emulating Cicciolina in Italy – says she accepted the $130,000 out of fear after receiving threats against her and her family. In 2011, after deciding to give an interview and tell what happened, a man approached him in Las Vegas and told him to leave Trump alone if he didn’t want something to happen to his young daughter.

The alleged sexual encounter between the porn star and the former president came about three months after the former First Lady gave birth to their son Barron. Since then, the Slovenian has remained silent, although close sources say that she continues to be “furious” over the affair of her husband. Her strategy has consisted of looking the other way, enjoying the luxuries offered by the Mar-A-Lago mansion where she lives and surrounding herself with people who are very careful not to refer to the lurid matter.

Presumably not that one or all of the above, because Trump’s history of sexual abuse, grabbing, groping, misogynistic comments, forced kisses on the mouth of complete strangers, and even rape accusations is as extensive as the list of their real estate domains. There are documented cases dating back to the 1980s. Jessica Leeds, a businesswoman who was 38 when she crossed paths with the Republican, describes him as “like an octopus” who had his hands everywhere. “It was an assault.”

His ex-wife, Ivana Trump, was raped during an argument, according to Harry Hurt III’s book, Lost Tycoon. Trump was angry that his first wife’s cosmetic surgeon had done a poor job of covering up a bald spot, and he took her anger out on her Czech woman, ripping off her clothes and forcibly penetrating her. And so a litany of cases of a good number of women who denounced the former president for going too far with them.

That particular speech, that of believing that he has the right to touch any woman at will, was later recorded in the awkward statements to the Access Hollywood presenter, Billy Bush, who threatened to torpedo his presidential options in October 2016. “I just start to kiss them,” he told Bush. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, even grab them by the pussy.” Trump defended himself by saying that it was “locker room jargon” and a large part of the electorate preferred to ignore the incident, giving him the key to access the White House. He now he has been charged.

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