The actress Gwyneth Paltrow was found not guilty in the case of the ski accident that happened in 2016 and a jury pointed to the optometrist Terry Sanderson as guilty of the incident, who was the one who accused her at first of having caused the collision.

The jury deliberated that Sanderson was “100%” at fault and that Sanderson would have to pay a dollar, which was what the “Shakespeare in Love” actress had asked for, as financial damages. Sanderson sued the interpreter for $300,000.

Paltrow received the news without making any gesture, while the optometrist looked rueful. Shortly after, the actress wrote a message on her Instagram account in which she thanked the judge and jury for her work and she said she was pleased with the result. “I appreciate her consideration in handling this case,” Paltrow wrote.

The trial came to an end after eight intense days in which witnesses and plaintiffs presented their testimonies. Paltrow received a lawsuit from Sanderson in 2019, alleging that she collided with him from behind while they were both skiing down a slope at Deer Valley Resort in the US state of Utah in 2016.

The man alleged that the Oscar winner had skied “recklessly” and that the accident left her with a concussion, four broken ribs and lasting brain damage, as well as changes in her personality that affected her daily life.

Paltrow’s version was completely opposite to that of the 76-year-old man, as he assured that he was enjoying a day of skiing with his family when he felt an impact on his back that knocked him to the ground.

On numerous occasions Sanderson claimed that he was the one who suffered the blow and that he had gone “flying”, becoming unconscious once he hit the ground.

This Thursday, as the final witness in the case, Sanderson’s team called neurologist Richard Boehme to testify by phone and after being questioned by Paltrow’s lawyers, he assured that it was impossible for Sanderson to have been able to “fly away” from a ski hit. .

“The skier who hit him from behind would have to have gone more than 80 or 100 kilometers per hour, which seems very unlikely to me unless he is an Olympic downhill skier,” he said minutes before the verdict offered by the jury. .

The case became very popular on social networks, where some statements that occurred during the trial, which was broadcast live by the YouTube account Law, were dismissed as absurd.

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