The Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, presents, Wednesday, March 29, a national action plan intended to regulate the use of electric scooters, a means of transport which arouses enthusiasm and debates at the same time.

“Self-service scooters are available in more than 200 cities in France and used daily by 100,000 people, a constantly growing figure, we had to strengthen the regulation of these machines,” said the minister in an interview with the newspaper. 20 minutes.

The minimum age to drive an electric scooter will thus be raised from 12 to 14 years, “to protect the youngest”, he announces. Fines will increase from 35 to 135 euros for traffic on prohibited lanes, or for two people on the same scooter. “We know that in one in five accidents, the users were two on the machine, it is important to make it clear that it is not a toy”, explains Mr. Beaune on a daily basis.

The plan provides for the creation of a micromobility observatory and a commitment charter that operators will have to sign on Wednesday (user safety, work on the lifespan of batteries for a minimum of five years, compulsory recycling in France, etc. ).

A consultation on the subject Sunday in Paris

“We are going to develop prevention campaigns on risks in particular”, explains the Minister, adding that an “observatory”, “bringing together members from all sides, politicians, associations and professionals, will make it possible to produce objective knowledge on the use electric scooters in France”, with figures on accidents, elements on the causes of accidents or even on the environmental benefits of scooters.

As for the compulsory wearing of a helmet, “the reflection remains open: for the moment, we have made the choice not to impose it but it is strongly recommended and our communication campaigns will repeat it”, added Clément Beaune.

The announcement of this plan comes as the town hall of Paris consults its constituents on Sunday April 2 as to whether to maintain or ban self-service scooters in the capital.