The Popular Party and Citizens have demanded from the President of the Government the “immediate and sudden dismissal” of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, after having learned of the Supreme Court ruling that declared the dismissal of Colonel de la Guardia “illegal” Civilian Diego Pérez de los Cobos.

The popular spokesperson in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, has voiced this petition, stating that the necessary compensation for the colonel inevitably involves the dismissal of the person who promoted his “illegal” dismissal, that is, the Minister of the Interior.

“Marlaska should not be a minister tomorrow after this sentence. The political use of dismissals means a way of understanding the exercise of politics that is not admissible in a democracy like ours,” said Gamarra for whom “there is no room for more than the sudden dismissal of the minister or his resignation if he has a bit of dignity”.

The popular spokesperson added that if this cessation does not take place, the PP “will undertake parliamentary actions so that Grande-Marlaska is again disapproved by Congress.” The Minister of the Interior has already been the object of a disapproval by the Chamber for the events at the Melilla fence that resulted in the death of several dozen immigrants who were trying to enter Spanish territory. Despite this, “Pedro Sánchez protects him,” added Gamarra.

Colonel Pérez de los Cobos was dismissed as head of the Madrid Civil Guard Command after refusing to inform the Government of the investigations that, by court order, he was carrying out into the 8-M demonstration of 2020, six days before the Executive decreed the state of alarm and the confinement of the population to try to stop the Covid pandemic.

Citizens have also referred to this matter. The oranges have welcomed the sentence with “joy” and have joined the request for the resignation of Fernando Grande-Marlaska for having once again demonstrated his “negligence and arbitrariness” of him.

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