The Venezuelan National Anti-Corruption Police (PNCC) has launched an operation against Chavismo public officials close to the powerful Tareck El Aissami, Minister of Oil, as well as against judges and revolutionary mayors. “Whoever they are, whoever falls,” said this department created by Nicolás Maduro in the fourth most corrupt country on the planet, only surpassed by Somalia, Syria and South Sudan, according to Transparency International.

“A series of individuals who, violating the sacred oath of honesty, morality and ethics, could be involved in serious acts of administrative corruption and embezzlement of funds, in a clear action detrimental to the interests and needs of the republic and its inhabitants,” insists the PNCC in his message to “our people”.

At the moment, the first victims of Chavismo’s anti-corruption purge are Judge Cristóbal Cornieles Perret, president of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of Caracas, and José Márquez, fourth Control judge with competence in terrorism, a subterfuge used by the revolution to persecute dissidents.

The first mayor to fall is Pedro Hernández, first mayor of Las Tejerías, a municipality in the central state of Aragua that suffered a landslide last year that killed 60 people. According to official media, Hernández, who achieved public prominence during the tragedy, is involved with the Koki and Conejo criminal gangs, the best-known in the country, along with the famous transnational mafioso Tren de Aragua. Despite the fact that there were already previous suspicions, Chavismo did not hesitate to exalt Hernández as one of its great “patriotic mayors” during last year’s tragedy.

Despite the importance of these arrests, it is the capture of Joselit de la Trinidad Ramírez Camacho, a senior official linked throughout his career to El Aissami, which truly measures the scope of the purge begun within Chavismo. The anti-corruption police officers detained Ramírez, who was in charge of the National Superintendence of Cryptoactives (Sunacrip), while the government immediately imposed a board to carry out the restructuring of this body.

Sunacrip was precisely the body in charge since 2018 of offering the petro, the revolutionary cryptocurrency launched by Maduro as his great economic solution to evade the false blockade, but which has gone unnoticed in the crypto world.

The US State Department once offered a reward of five million dollars for anyone who facilitated the capture of Ramírez, considering that he is linked to drug trafficking.

El Aissami, who also serves as economic vice president, heads one of the main factions of Chavismo, although his importance has been cut in recent times as he is convalescing from a serious illness. Apart from the one led by Nicolás Maduro himself and his wife, the first revolutionary combatant Cilia Flores, the most powerful families in the Bolivarian revolution are those headed by the Rodríguez brothers, Jorge (president of the legislative body and head of the negotiating team in the Mexico table) and Vice President Delcy, and by the radical Diosdado Cabello.

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