Detmold (dpa / lnw) – Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier congratulated North Rhine-Westphalia’s smallest part of the state on Sunday for 900 years of Lippe and 50 years of the Lippe district. In his speech at the Landestheater in Detmold, the head of state described what makes the people in the region so special: “The Lippers are skeptical about any form of enthusiasm, they have a deep aversion to bragging or even boasting, a good portion of composure, that’s how the people are here between the Teutoburg Forest and the Weserbergland,” said the Federal President and then added: “And yes, dear Prime Minister, this is my home, I feel at home here. And that’s a good thing.” Steinmeier was born in Detmold in 1956 and went to high school in Blomberg, around 20 kilometers away.

Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU), the President of the North Rhine-Westphalia State Parliament, André Kuper (CDU) and the district administrator of the Lippe district, Axel Lehmann (SPD), had invited to the ceremony.