From March, a corona test will no longer be required to enter clinics and nursing homes. While visitors are still required to wear a mask, employees are not. Patient advocates are appalled.

Before further corona restrictions were lifted on Wednesday, patient advocates criticized the “contradictory” and “absurd” rules. “Even the last politically determined corona rules remain contradictory,” said the board member of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch, to the newspapers of the Funke media group. “It’s absurd that visitors in nursing homes and clinics have to wear a mask, but the staff don’t.”

The patient advocate pointed out that not only visitors could carry the corona virus to clinics or homes, but also employees such as doctors or nurses. The protection of particularly vulnerable people is particularly important. “The federal government, the federal states and experts failed to focus on the essentials during the pandemic. That is and will remain the safety of old people who are in need of care and who are sick,” said Brysch. He called for Germany-wide and daily tests for the nursing staff.

From Wednesday, there will no longer be any testing requirements for access to health facilities. The mask requirement for employees in medical practices, clinics and care facilities has also been lifted. For residents in nursing homes, the mask requirement will then also end. However, it is valid for visitors to practices, nursing homes and clinics nationwide until April 7th. This should continue to protect risk groups in particular. Minister Karl Lauterbach justified the early easing on March 1 with the stable situation.