The corona restrictions are almost abolished, there are new license plates for mopeds, climate-friendly construction is being promoted, the time change is imminent and there are reliefs for gas, district heating and electricity. This and other things await you in the new month.

Krombacher beer is getting more expensive

Drinking beer is becoming more expensive due to increased raw material prices for production, supply bottlenecks and rising costs for packaging and logistics. As of the new month, the Krombacher brewery is also increasing the prices for all types of beer. A crate of beer will cost around one euro more in the future. Non-alcoholic beverages such as Schweppes, Vitamalz and Orangina are also affected by the price increase. The Veltins, Radeberger and Bitburger Group breweries had already announced that they would become more expensive.

Relief for gas, district heating and electricity

Life has become expensive, which is mainly due to high energy costs. The federal government wants to save citizens even worse with price brakes for gas, district heating and electricity. These will exist from March 2023 and until the end of April 2024. However, they apply retrospectively for the months of January and February. The state caps the working price for 80 percent of the previous year’s consumption, for gas to 12 cents and for electricity to 40 cents, each per kilowatt hour. Any additional consumption will be billed at the working price of the current gas or electricity tariff.

Energy-saving measures are still retained

The short-term energy-saving measures that have been in effect since September 2022 will be extended until April 15, 2023: since then, a maximum room temperature of 19 degrees has applied in public workplaces. Buildings, monuments and advertising spaces may not be illuminated at certain times.

Limited gardening

There is a ban on pruning in the garden between March 1st and September 30th. According to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, hedge trimming and tree felling are prohibited. This is how the legislator wants to protect animals and plants. Only “gentle shaping and care cuts to eliminate the growth of plants or to keep trees healthy” are then allowed.

EU Ecodesign Regulation – Displays affected

The second stage of the Ecodesign Regulation will come into force in the new month. It regulates new minimum requirements for the energy efficiency of devices. Stricter guideline values ​​apply to televisions and other displays, which take into account the permissible energy consumption in relation to the screen diagonal. Devices that do not meet the requirements should no longer be allowed to be sold. This could affect large OLED TVs and 8K resolution models.

Corona requirements are largely eliminated

As of the new month, there will no longer be a compulsory corona test for visitors to medical facilities. The mask requirement for employees and residents of nursing homes is also eliminated. This was abolished in long-distance and local public transport last month.

There are no free corona tests

From March 1, 2023, the financing of all tests according to the test regulation will be discontinued. From this point on, free citizen tests will no longer be offered.

Limited gardening

There is a ban on pruning in the garden between March 1st and September 30th. According to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, hedge trimming and tree felling are prohibited. This is how the legislator wants to protect animals and plants. Only “gentle shaping and care cuts to eliminate the growth of plants or to keep trees healthy” are then allowed.

Climate-friendly building

From March 1, 2023, the federal government will be promoting the construction of particularly climate-friendly buildings with cheaper loans. The standard for this is the Efficiency House 40. There is an even higher subsidy for buildings with the “Sustainable Building Plus” quality seal. The new regulation helps to reduce CO2 emissions in the building sector and to achieve the German climate targets.

For the first time, the entire life cycle of buildings is being considered in the funding. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from construction through operation to potential dismantling.

New license plates for mopeds

The color of the insurance plates for mopeds changes every year. This makes it easier to check whether the insurance cover is still up to date. From March, green signs will be replaced by black signs. All mopeds, mopeds, scooters, lightweight mopeds

Without a current number plate, the insurance cover expires and the vehicle is not allowed on the road. In addition, the driver is also liable to prosecution. A new number plate can be obtained directly when taking out a corresponding insurance policy and also from the moped dealer.

Masks are compulsory in medical and nursing facilities for the time being

The mask requirement in medical and nursing facilities for visitors, however, continues to apply until April 7th. In order to protect vulnerable groups, it is not suspended by the ordinance.

There are no free corona tests

From March 1, 2023, the financing of all tests according to the test regulation will be discontinued.

Students can apply for an energy price flat rate

From mid-March, students and technical students will receive a one-off energy price flat rate of 200 euros – on application. The federal and state governments have jointly developed a digital application platform through which the payment can be requested. The decisive factor for payment of the lump sum is that the beneficiaries were enrolled at a university in Germany on December 1, 2022 or were students in classes at a technical school or vocational school. Almost three million students and 450,000 pupils can benefit from the energy price flat rate.

The energy price flat rate for students and technical students is not subject to taxation. It is not to be taken into account for income-related benefits and social benefits, nor for social security contributions.

The website provides information on all questions relating to payments. There is also a telephone hotline where individual questions can be asked. She can be reached on 0800 2623 003, Tuesday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Telephone sick leave is still possible

Insured persons who suffer from mild respiratory diseases can continue to be given sick leave for up to seven days over the phone. The Federal Joint Committee had already extended the special Corona regulation in January to March 31, 2023.

Time change is pending

Actually already as good as abolished by the EU, but the clock has to be turned again this spring. More precisely: In the night from Saturday, March 25th to Sunday, March 26th, at 2 a.m. the clocks will be put forward by one hour to 3 a.m. – one hour of sleep time will be lost. On the other hand, it is lighter longer in the evenings.