Frankfurt (dpa/lhe) – With an expansion of warning strikes in central Hesse, the Verdi union wants to increase the pressure on employers in the collective bargaining dispute about federal and local employees. The union announced on Friday. After the “insufficient offer from the employers”, she is calling on collective employees, trainees, interns and students in the public sector in Gießen to go on strike next Tuesday.

According to Verdi, this includes the employees of municipal offices and institutions such as district, city and municipal administrations, municipal daycare centers and building yards as well as employees of the Federal Employment Agency and municipal social institutions and the savings bank.

The second round of collective bargaining for around 2.5 million federal and local employees ended on Thursday without a result. Verdi and the civil servants’ association dbb are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more per month. The employer side had rejected the demands as “unaffordable”.