Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The prolonged drought last summer had a negative impact on vegetable cultivation in Baden-Württemberg. The harvest volume was nine percent smaller than in the rainy previous year 2021, as the State Statistical Office announced on Friday in Stuttgart.

Cabbage cultivation in particular suffered from the drought. For example, the red cabbage harvest was 24 percent less than the six-year average from 2016 to 2021.

The cultivation of fruit vegetables such as sweetcorn (-14 percent compared to the previous year) or pickles (-9 percent compared to the previous year) also suffered.

Asparagus also lost ten percent in terms of harvest volume over the six-year average. This was also due to marketing difficulties. The asparagus farmers ended the harvest early.

In the case of lettuce cultivation, on the other hand, ice lettuce and lettuce benefited from the lower amount of water. The yields were higher than in the rainy previous year.