Duki gave an interview to El Hormiguero on Thursday, February 23. The Argentine singer, who presented a new single titled If I had time left over, revealed what his first salary was spent on.

“With the first money I earned, what did I do? I don’t know if I can count this, my mom and dad are here. I grabbed a supermarket bag and put about 300,000 Argentine pesos inside, I called my mom and dad, they came to the house where I was coming from and I told them ‘take it, this is for you,'” he said. It should be noted that this figure is equivalent to around 1,450 euros.

“What happened is that my mom and dad told me ‘look, the truth is that with this money we can’t do anything. Keep putting it in, you’re breaking it in music,'” the guest recalled. “I still think that this is like the Matrix, that one day I’m going to wake up and I’m going to be plugged into a machine or I’ll still wake up in a hospital,” the guest joked about his success.

Pablo Motos asked Duki when he realized that he was starting to become famous in the world of music. “It was a process. I did freestyle battles, improvised, and one day I won a competition. When you won that competition, they gave you a recording in a studio,” he recalled.

“After winning that battle, I recorded a song and the song had like two million views in a month. That was surreal and I said ‘OK, it’s happening’. It was very rare,” he acknowledged. “It is a lot of discipline, a lot of will, and that pinch of sand, that magic, is faith, which is what mobilizes everything. We all have faith in a certain sense. Some are from a certain religion, others from another, I believe in energy “, he added.

“Imagine that energy that you have, directing it to a place every day and saying ‘this is going to happen’. So much so that you tell people and you start to convince people of it. There comes a time when things go to pass, the important thing is that you understand that not everything comes on a gigantic scale and not all achievements have gigantic dimensions”, he pointed out about his vision of success.

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