In full political hangover still due to the railway scandal in Cantabria and Asturias, settled by the Executive with the resignations of the Secretary of State for Transport and the president of Renfe, the Popular Party denounces a possible train case in the Valencian Community: the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, inaugurated a line in January in which the wagons purchased for the occasion cannot yet circulate on any of the three metal bridges on the route, which are being remodeled to be able to support the weight of the convoys.

It is about line 9 of the Tram, which connects Alicante and Dénia and, according to the popular ones, the “overweight” of the purchased units (six for 43 million euros) prevents the wagons from completing the usual route, which which forces passengers to make two transfers and, through traditional trains, reach their destination. A situation that slows down and complicates the trip and that is a reason, they believe in the PP, for the Valencian Government to “purify political responsibilities” in the image and likeness of what happened in Cantabria and Asturias in recent days.

However, the Consell defends its management and the opening of the line before the work is finished: “The PP is lying again”, say Consell sources, who distance what happened in Alicante with the railway situation in Cantabria and Asturias. In fact, they accuse the popular of being the cause of the temporary closure of the bridges due to their “zero investment” during the 20 years that they were in charge of the Generalitat.

“The PP ignores the reality, which is that line 9 had to close due to lack of investment that its government did not make in 20 years, which generated insecurity throughout the line that made it unsustainable for trains to circulate,” these sources continue. .

Regarding the renovated units, the Executive of Ximo Puig defends the “modernization” of the route with the incorporation of six dual trains (electric-diesel) that, once the remodeling works of the route have been completed, will be able to cover the entire distance that separates Alicante from Dénia, even faster than diesel trains: “It was necessary to renew certain units and for this, more modern, less polluting and suitable units are chosen for this line”.

Some explanations that in the Valencian PP are not convincing. As the deputy spokesman for the PP in the Valencian parliament, Miguel Barrachina, reiterated, “when these trains were bought, no one from the Generalitat realized that their weight made circulation on this line unfeasible”, which is why he demands responsibilities and that, in compensation for the delays that the double transhipment entails, the Consell guarantees the free ticket on this line until the work is finished.

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