Rostock (dpa/mv) – The Rostock IHK President Klaus-Jürgen Strupp left the climate activist and co-founder of the last generation, Henning Jeschke, at a discussion. “I’m terribly sorry, but I have the follow-up appointment,” Strupp said goodbye to Jeschke’s closing words on Wednesday and left. The “Ostsee-Zeitung” organized the discussion, which was broadcast live on the Internet. Moderator and chief reporter Martina Rathke said afterwards: “It was a very unexpected end.”

In the discussion about climate change and the protests of the last generation, the interlocutors had previously criticized each other, some heavily. They kept interrupting each other. Strupp, who is the boss of a car dealership in Rostock, accused Jeschke of not making any suggestions for dealing with the consequences of climate change, of not making any contribution himself and of stirring up fear. “They babble around here about what has to come.”

Jeschke replied: “What is your suggestion that we can do it? We have two or three years physically and you are talking about having built a small system at home,” he said, referring to Strupp’s private solar system. In view of the physics of climate change, the solution “everyone does a little something” is insufficient. “Everyone forgets about politics. Actually, it has to be political.”

At Jeschke’s suggestion to convene a kind of crisis council with drawn members from society, Strupp accused him: “You’re questioning parliamentary democracy.” On the other hand, Jeschke received at least partial approval for his impatience with regard to political climate protection measures. “I’m with you there. Sometimes it’s too slow for me.”