Lennestadt (dpa / lnw) – The Secretary General of the NRW-CDU, Paul Ziemiak, has blamed the federal government for delays in the construction of the closed Rahmedetalbrücke on the Autobahn 45. “If the government in Berlin does not act faster, then the credibility of this government will be on the ground faster than the Rahmedetalbrücke,” said Ziemiak on Wednesday at the Political Ash Wednesday of the NRW-CDU in Lennestadt in Sauerland.

The bridge had to be closed in December 2021 due to damage. Since then, an important traffic artery has been interrupted with the A45, and the detour traffic is a burden on an entire region.

The state SPD has lost its sense of the zeitgeist in North Rhine-Westphalia. He recently said to SPD leader Lars Klingbeil: “If that’s your ventricle, make an appointment with a cardiologist,” said Ziemiak.