Greifswald (dpa/mv) – The district administrator from Vorpommern-Greifswald, Michael Sack, has called for more support from the federal government for the integration of refugees. The CDU politician is currently taking little notice of the federal government, “that they have understood what problems we are currently having,” said Sack on Wednesday at a press conference in Greifswald. The district takes care of the accommodation. “We make you warm, full and dry.” But there is more to it. Integration is a task for society as a whole, which also requires money from the federal government.

“The topic of integration comes up far too short in the discussion with the federal government.” In the long run and on the foreseeable scale, volunteers alone could not do this. The commitment was very high at the beginning of the war in Ukraine or in 2015 and 2016 – when a particularly large number of people came to Germany. “It’s no longer noticeable at the moment. Our population, our people have other concerns at the moment.” He referred, for example, to inflation and increased energy prices.