Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The number of forced evictions from apartments has increased in North Rhine-Westphalia. As the NRW Ministry of Justice announced on Wednesday at the request of the German Press Agency in Düsseldorf, 8,690 apartments and 458 other non-residential rooms had to be evicted last year. Compared to 2021, that is 497 more apartments. In 2020, 8,590 apartments in NRW were forcibly evicted.

In cases in which forced eviction leads to homelessness, the competent administrative authority can order alternative accommodation, a spokesman for the ministry said. This could be a homeless shelter, a rented hotel or real estate owned by the authority.

In special cases, the tenant’s apartment can even be temporarily confiscated and his re-admission ordered to avoid homelessness. The authority pays for the loss of rent during this time. “However, the Ministry of Justice has no figures on how many cases such measures were taken,” said the spokesman.