Munich/Coburg (dpa/lby) – After the second escape of a suspect from a Bavarian court within a few weeks, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann and Justice Minister Georg Eisenreich (both CSU) announced that the operational concepts would be reviewed.

“It is completely out of the question if a prisoner manages to escape. I expect the police headquarters in Upper Franconia to provide comprehensive information on the background to the escape. This must be worked through meticulously and comprehensively,” said Herrmann on Monday. Already after the escape of a prisoner in Regensburg a few weeks ago, all police headquarters had been sensitized in detail, Herrmann emphasized and announced: “Together with the judiciary, we will take the present case as an opportunity to put the operational concepts for guarding prisoners to the test. “

Eisenreich said: “It is unacceptable when prisoners manage to escape from Bavarian courts. Security gaps are unacceptable.” He immediately arranged for the background of the escape to be completely and immediately clarified together with the police. “It is absolutely correct that the police are taking the incident as an opportunity to work with the judiciary to review the operational concepts for guarding prisoners.” In addition, he ordered that every Bavarian court must report to the ministry on local security concepts by the end of the week.

On Monday morning, a 47-year-old escaped through a window during a break in negotiations at the Coburg district court. How exactly the escape could come about was initially unclear. At the beginning of January, a convicted murderer who had to answer for another crime at the district court escaped in Regensburg. He also fled through an insufficiently secured window in an adjoining room on the ground floor. He was later caught in France.

Eisenreich emphasized that after the case in Regensburg, the Ministry of Justice asked the court practice in Regensburg to immediately check the security precautions on site and to take possible measures to increase the security of the building. “In addition, at the time I ordered a comprehensive security check to be drawn up for all Bavarian courts in coordination with the police.”