At the Munich Security Conference, Pistorius sided with those who called Ukraine’s victory a war goal. This sets the SPD politician apart from the chancellor. The defense minister also committed to the two percent promise to NATO. There is praise for this from the FDP and the Union.

Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has committed himself to a necessary victory for Ukraine in the war against Russia. “I made it clear: Ukraine must win this war,” said the SPD politician at the Munich Security Conference. While Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has already used this formulation, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has avoided it so far. Scholz says that Russia must not win the war.

Pistorius again committed to increasing Germany’s military spending. “We are strongly committed to the two percent promise,” said the SPD politician in front of the plenary session. “As you know, we still have some ground to make up to get there.” But he will work hard to ensure that Germany meets this long-overdue goal.

Pistorius also emphasized that Germany must increase its production capacities in the armaments sector. Joint procurement must also be discussed. When it comes to replenishing ammunition in particular, this must happen “as quickly as possible and as long as possible”. Because despite all the support for Ukraine, Germany must also be able to continue to fulfill its obligations in NATO. “That’s the huge dilemma we have.”

The chairwoman of the Defense Committee in the Bundestag, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, praised Pistorius for his course in the procurement of new weapons and ammunition, but at the same time called for the pace to be increased. “With Boris Pistorius there is movement in new procurements in the Bundeswehr. Almost a year after the Chancellor’s speech on the turning point of the era, it is high time,” said the FDP politician to the “Rheinische Post”. “But first of all there are announcements. He has to streamline the procurement system and speed has to be picked up,” says Strack-Zimmermann.

The defense minister is also seen to be on the right course in the Union, but calls for far-reaching changes. “Boris Pistorius is facing major challenges: one year after the speech of the turn of the century, the Bundeswehr has not noticed any improvement,” criticized parliamentary group leader Johann Wadephul in the “Rheinische Post”. “Pistorius must put the Bundeswehr and his ministry into action mode. In addition, the Bundeswehr budget needs to grow at least ten billion a year,” Wadephul demanded. The material handed over to the Ukraine must be procured again as soon as possible. “The Bundeswehr must finally be restructured from an Afghanistan army to a force for national and alliance defense,” said the CDU politician.