Now she wants to go back to her studies. The Brandenburg Greens boss Julia Schmidt is apparently counted several times by the party – and then finally gets shown the door. The exact background is unclear.

A year and a half before the state elections in Brandenburg, the state chairwoman of the Greens is resigning from her post, thereby complying with a request from the party. The background to the move is unclear. The national association accused Julia Schmidt of misconduct without becoming more specific. The 29-year-old tweeted that she had announced her resignation, paving the way for a reorganization of the national association. Schmidt has been at the head of the state party since 2019. She was elected to the management duo together with Alexandra Pichl.

At the board meeting on Friday evening, the Greens state board had withdrawn their confidence in further cooperation, the party board announced. She complied with the request to resign. The board of directors said without further explanation: “Repeated cases of intolerable misconduct had preceded it.” The delegates are to decide on the successor in April.

The Greens govern in Potsdam in a coalition with the SPD and CDU in Brandenburg. The state elections are coming up next year – probably in autumn. The latest polls showed a clear increase in votes for the AfD. An INSA survey commissioned by “Bild” last fall saw the right-wing populists as the strongest force.

Schmidt tweeted: “Brandenburg’s parties are currently faced with the task of preparing themselves for the 2024 state election in terms of content and personnel.” She personally decided not to be available as a top candidate. “I would rather first complete my studies, which has recently become increasingly difficult to achieve alongside my political work.”