Espionage or Research? The launch of a white balloon over the United States causes an uproar between Washington and Beijing. China accuses the White House of overreacting – and calls for this “ridiculous nonsense” to stop.

Chinese foreign policy chief Wang Yi sharply criticized the shooting down of a suspected Chinese spy balloon by US forces at the Munich Security Conference. “This is, I would say, absurd and hysterical,” Wang said in a question and answer session after his speech at the conference, according to the official English translation. “This is a 100% abuse of the use of force. It is a violation of international rules.”

In that case, the United States “ignored fundamental facts and exaggerated the situation,” he said. Wang, who was China’s foreign minister from 2013 to 2022, called on the US to “show seriousness in clarifying the matter” and to stop the “ridiculous nonsense” based on domestic politics.

The day-long overflight of the suspected Chinese spy balloon over the United States had led to a scandal between Washington and Beijing. US Secretary of State Blinken canceled a planned visit to China at short notice because of the affair. A US fighter jet finally shot down the balloon on February 4 off the coast of the state of South Carolina over the Atlantic. The US military then recovered debris that is now being examined.

The United States accuses China of wanting to spy on military installations. Beijing, on the other hand, speaks of a civilian research balloon that has gone off course. The incident caused additional tension in the already strained relationship.

The US violated the Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation by shooting it down, Wang said. “We don’t accept that.” The United States would not have shown any strength in doing so. The opposite is the case. Wang accused the US of wanting to distract from domestic political problems. It is still unclear whether the top Chinese foreign politician will meet US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Munich. Both delegations say that such a meeting has not yet been planned.