cabbage. Not Helmut, but Savoy. He can really do more than you think. It’s high in vitamin C, plenty of iron for all vegetarians and vegans, and on top of that it’s durable, delicious and totally hip. And Marc Ladige’s recipe can be pimped with bacon for all the carnivores.

The traditional season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. The fact that this tradition falls in February is not only for religious reasons. The pantry used to be empty in February and so Lent was simply adapted to the natural conditions. However, there were still heads of cabbage stored in the cellar, as they continue to grow slowly even after the harvest and thus last the whole winter. For a long time, cabbage led an existence as a scorned hearty food, because the availability of all ingredients at any time of the year made things difficult for it.

Today, many are back to buying seasonally, which is how cabbage was able to experience its renaissance. In addition, its health-promoting effect has been known since ancient times. In addition to other vital substances, 100 grams of cabbage contain as much vitamin C as a glass of orange juice. And if you want to eat iron, you don’t have to eat meat: cabbage will do, too. That’s why I’ve chosen another vegan recipe for Lent, which meat lovers can enrich with bacon.


Cook the soup greens to a stock. Bring the broth to the boil once and then let it steep for at least an hour. Then add some salt and strain through a cloth.

Cut the savoy cabbage from the outside in so that the stalk remains intact. Wash the falling, dark green leaves well. Blanch them in heavily salted water. Rinse well and dry on a kitchen towel. Peel the shallots, cut into small pieces and sauté in half of the Alba oil. If desired, now add the bacon cubes. Cut the inside of the savoy cabbage into fine strips without the stalk and let them sauté with the shallots. Season with grated nutmeg and sea salt. When the cabbage has drained all its liquid and is beginning to brown, set aside and let cool.

In a small pan, heat the spices to the smoking point, remove from the heat and grind with the salt in a mortar or food processor. Store the seasoning salt in a closed container after it has cooled down, otherwise the beautiful aromas will be lost.

Grease an oven dish with Alba oil.

Cut the rib out of the dark green leaves of the cabbage. Stuff the sweated cabbage in the middle of the leaf and fold both sides over it. Roll up the sheet like a roulade and place in the tin. The roulades should lie tightly so that they don’t fall apart later. Brush with the rest of the oil and pour in the stock until the mold is almost full.

Bake at 180 degrees until the top of the roulades are browned.

The dish can be served hot or at room temperature.

Pass the seasoning salt separately so that everyone can season the cabbage to their own taste.

Any kind of puree is suitable as a side dish. I especially like the celery mashed potatoes.

Have fun cooking and wish you a good appetite

Marc Ladiges