The coming days will be uncomfortable in parts of the country. Storm low “Ulf” unfolds in some places up to hurricane force, as ntv meteorologist Björn Alexander says. In the rest of the country, mercury is once again climbing into the double digits. From the second half of the week, sweaters, scarves and hats should be within reach. 15 degrees and sun – early spring has made its debut. does it stay that way

Björn Alexander: Probably not. At the moment, the first slack low-lying foothills are already moving over us. On Friday there will even be an outright storm and hurricane low, before even late winter could start next week. So there’s a lot going on – and we shouldn’t hang too far away from thick sweaters and jackets.

How is the storm going?

The north of the British Isles, with Scotland as the main focus, is particularly affected. The low, which was given the name “Ulf”, then moves across the open North Sea on Friday. Here “Ulf” strengthens again and on Friday evening and Saturday night his center meets southern Scandinavia with Norway, Sweden and Denmark. And also on the Baltic Sea, where the peak of the storm is expected from west to east on Saturday night.

Which wind peaks are possible?

The weather computers sometimes evaluate this differently. Nevertheless, there is a risk of storms and hurricanes. If, for example, the German weather model is used, which calculates the storm field very intensively, then the peak gusts are around or over 160 kilometers per hour – especially in the Scandinavian mountains. Fresh snow and sometimes significant snowdrifts are also to be expected there. The North Atlantic and the North Sea and then the Baltic Sea will also be set in motion by storm “Ulf”.

What does that mean for sea conditions?

The waves are likely to reach heights of 6 to 8 meters in the open areas and directly in the area of ​​the adjacent coasts. According to the forecasts, the Baltic Sea also has wave heights of over 5 meters. The intensity of the storm and wave crests only diminished over the course of Saturday.

How much wind do we have to expect where in Germany?

In view of the direction of the low and the storm field, the north and the low mountain ranges are particularly affected. Accordingly, on Friday it will be increasingly windy to stormy in the northern half, with the first gusts of wind on the coast and in the mountains in the afternoon.

When does it blow the strongest?

The affected regions will also experience the peak on Friday evening and Saturday night with heavy storms up to hurricane-force gusts of around 100 km/h. Over the Baltic Sea and in the Upper Harz there are gusts of up to 130 km/h – full hurricane strength.

At the same time, the street carnival has begun in the carnival strongholds. What’s the weather like when you’re fooling around?

All in all, it’s repeatedly changeable, but the bottom line is – after the sometimes stormy start – it’s relatively calm and very mild. Only after Carnival do some weather computers play with a change in the general weather situation in the direction of late winter and the options for snow down to the lowlands and sometimes ice-cold nights. It’s definitely super exciting to see which direction the trends will jump for the last weekend of February.

What prospects do the weather maps show in detail for the coming weekend?

On Saturday a band of rain lies over the northern center of our country. Beyond that, it is sunnier and drier, especially in the north-east. In the very south and southwest it is also friendly and mostly dry. It will also remain windy, initially stormy on the Baltic Sea. The temperatures: 5 degrees in the Ore Mountains and up to 15 degrees on the Upper Rhine.

And on Sunday?

The next band of rain will sweep across the country from northwest to southeast. Afterwards, in the afternoon in the northern half, the sun is expecting us more and more often, while it remains cloudy and often rainy in the south. Here, the snow line sometimes drops to medium altitudes. Because cooler air prevails – especially in the eastern half, where a maximum of 3 to 8 degrees can be expected. In the extreme southwest and west, meanwhile, it will be 9 to 13 degrees.

How’s it going next week?

The new week begins with variable showers, which are very likely to affect the carnival regions in the Rhineland. The whole thing at 3 to 13 degrees, so that in the east in the morning snow or sleet showers down to low altitudes cannot be ruled out. Tuesday will continue to be wet in the north, but otherwise friendlier and dry with milder 7 to 15 degrees.

Do we have to dress warmly afterwards?

Certainly not on Wednesday. Because when the wind picks up, sometimes stormily, the weather and temperatures change very little. It will even be a little milder at 8 to 15 degrees. Only afterwards, if the cold faction of the weather computers is right, could winter friends get their money’s worth again.