Cologne (dpa / lnw) – A 15-year-old student was hit by a freight train at a level crossing in the Ossendorf district of Cologne on Wednesday afternoon and suffered serious head injuries. A police spokesman said there was no danger to life.

According to initial investigations, the young person is said to have ridden his bicycle across the tracks around 5:30 p.m. despite the red traffic light, acoustic signal and closed barrier, the police reported. According to several witnesses, he was talking with his cell phone to his ear. The boy came to the hospital. The driver of the freight train suffered a shock and was also taken to a clinic, the statement said.

It was only at the beginning of February that two boys aged ten and nine were hit by a freight train in Recklinghausen in the area of ​​the tracks. The older boy died and the younger boy was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. According to the police, his condition had stabilized after an operation.