Spain continues to strengthen its defense role on the Eastern flank of NATO. Thus, the ministry headed by Margarita Robles is going to send a battery of Nasams missiles to Estonia next spring to defend an air base. The news has been revealed by Hanno Pevkur, Estonian Defense Minister, after holding a meeting with Robles in Brussels.

“NATO’s eastern flank has grown significantly over the past year. Considering the need to fill this critical gap in our medium-range air defense capabilities, I am very pleased that we have reached an agreement with Spain on the deployment of their NASAMS medium-range ground-based air defense system for four months, starting in April,” he said after the meeting with Robles.

The missile battery will serve to defend the Amari Air Base, a strategic objective in Estonia and the mission will be carried out under the umbrella of NATO and will last four months. With this deployment in Estonia, Spain reinforces its role on the Eastern flank. It should be remembered that our military is present in Bulgaria, Romania and Latvia.

The Nasam advanced anti-aircraft missile system has an effective range of between seven and ten kilometers from the target to be protected. In addition to a range of 25 km and 10 in height. He has the ability to fire all six missiles at once.

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