Bielefeld (dpa / lnw) – Last year, the federal police registered fewer crimes, but more acts of violence in the stations and trains in North Rhine-Westphalia. This was announced by the authority of the “Neue Westfälische” (Wednesday edition) appearing in Bielefeld.

According to preliminary figures, 67,450 crimes at train stations were recorded in 2022 – 4.4 percent fewer than in the previous year. However, the number of physical injuries rose from a good 1,800 to 2,700, and that of sexual offenses from 229 to 345. There were also more than 950 crimes against personal freedom, i.e. coercion or threats. A year earlier it was less than 740.

Around 950 people were injured in violent crimes last year. This number is also higher than in previous years. The number of crimes in which a knife was used has more than tripled in NRW compared to the previous year – from 20 to 64 crimes. However, most of the knife crimes involved threats or coercion.

A total of 3535 suspects were identified. The majority are German (2025), 1428 are non-German. The identity of 62 people is unclear.